Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What will it look like?

Here's our design. The design is of a picnic scene with native animals in the pond, the trees and on the ground. There will be two trees and a rainbow. The design gives you an idea about what will be in the mosaic but the design will change as it goes onto the wall. It changes because it has to incorporate the animals that Debbie and the parents have made. Sometimes changes are made in composition ( where things go) and the colours to improve how the mosaic will look. Debbie works this out as she goes. Even Debbie does not know what it will look like in the end, but she tries her best to make it look good.

Here is a mosaic that Debbie made at Keilor Gatehouse Preschool two years ago. This is the mosaic that inspired Irena to have one made at Bellevuehill Preschool. Our mosaic is going to have a blue sky and a lot of animals in it. It is also going to have a border. It will look diffferent to this mosaic, but this photograph gives you an idea of what a mosaic with clay features looks like.

This is a picture of the blank wall.

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